Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Doin' Work

Although they have been raised in the same house and have access to the same toys, Gavin and Vivian play very differently. This post is about how Gavin plays. The G-Man's favorite things to do all focus around putting objects (or himself) inside of other objects and moving objects from one location to another. That's what he does. And it's hard work.

He loves walking around the entire living room (their new play area) with his bucket and picking things up along the way. He'll walk over to something, bend down, pick it up, and place it in his bucket. Then, he'll walk to something else. Once he has enough things, he'll usually sit and take each thing out one by one or he'll sit and pour everything out at once. He also likes to put small cups inside big cups, blocks inside boxes, and anything that will fit inside his lion walker (pictured above). He just likes to put things inside of other things. When it comes to moving, the bigger the better. Over the last few days, Gavin has highly enjoyed pushing one of our chairs around the room. He just pushes it somewhere and leaves it. He may go back to it later and move it again.

Whenever Gavin is moving furniture, collecting items, or placing things inside of other things, we ask him, "Are you doin' work Gavin?" To which he responds, "Why yes, that is exactly what I am doing. Thank you for noticing."

Sike. Gavin can't talk! But if he could, we're pretty sure that's what he would say (with an accent of some kind of course).

1 comment:

Elizabeth and Mark said...

I think Gavin and Grace would play well together. She loves to do those things too!