Friday, July 2, 2010

Most people probably don't think about this...

... but every single time either of us goes to the grocery store alone with the kiddos, it is a major production. We have to push the stroller and drag a cart behind us. The stroller is of course needed to push the babes around and the cart is needed to pull all of our groceries. Why? Because both of them can't fit in the seat part of the cart and because we usually can't fit all of our groceries under the stroller. It's quite a sight. And, we do this quite often.

Well, the other day, I took the kids to Target. As I looked for a parking space, I noticed a mom pushing her two big-kid children in a cart with TWO seats in the front. I quickly searched the cart holder thingys in the parking lot for one of my own. I wasn't sure if Gav and Viv were big enough to sit in one, but I was willing to give it a try (Heck, I was willing to try anything so that I didn't have to push the stroller and pull a cart).

Then, I found one. I think I was more excited than the two of them. I sat them down, strapped them in, and they loved it! It was glorious (shout out to Marti May). Even though they look a little PO'ed in these pics, I swear, they really did love it.


The Bluvas Blog said...

so glad you found the cart! a few weeks ago, I pushed a cart around walmart for a woman who had two year old twin girls and a 3 month old boy. she was doing exactly what you described (fortunately the little girls were so good at standing on the back of the strolling and not trying to get out) and thinking of you (and sans baby home with Andy), I offered to help.

Jennie said...

you're so sweet erin!