Saturday, July 10, 2010

Puh- Puh- Puh- PUP!

Vivi said her first word (other than Mama & Dada) a couple of weeks ago. At first, she would point at Chubbs and say "Puh." Then, as time went on, she started to close the word and say "Pup." She still says "Puh," but then we remind her that it's "Pup" and sometimes she will say it again the correct way. Just like anything that Vivi learns though, she WILL NOT initially do it on command. She did this when she started walking too. If you asked her to walk to you, she would scrunch up her face, hiss at you, and then crawl in your direction. She wants to do things on her own time. Don't get me wrong, some things she will do when you ask her. For instance, she loves pups so much that she has begun pointing them out in books and in real life. The other day, we were at Old Navy and she would not stop screaming and pointing at the plastic dog in the front of the store. When I took her up to the dog, she patted it on the head and said "Puh-p."

She still only points things out when she wants to ;-)

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