Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Cookie Monsters

Wes and I planned to make cookies with the twins on Christmas Eve, but with all of the family visitors and craziness that accompanied the holidays, we never got around to it. The other day, I realized that we still had three rolls of cookie dough in the fridge. So yesterday, we made cookies. We started off trying to roll the dough, but that didn't work out too well. So we decided to just slice the cookie roll and let G & V decorate their cookies. But before we made this decision, we let them play with some of the dough and flour.

Vivian was clearly shocked by the whole process.

 Gavin kept sneaking in a bite here and there and Vivi kept patting her dough and smiling.

Then, it was time to decorate!

They were adorable. Vivian was so serious while decorating. She never even took a bite of her cookie. We would tell her, "You can eat your cookie now" and she would say "NO!" while shaking her head and continuing to delicately shake her sprinkle-shaker. Gavin, on the other hand, was totally fine eating his cookies. And he wasn't that interested in decorating. Instead, he just kept banging his sprinkle-shaker on the table, on the carpet, on his head, and on the dog.

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