Monday, January 31, 2011

Rosier-Alhassani Time

The trip up to Maryland last Friday started off perfectly, with both twins sleeping the entire 2.5 hour car ride.

Iad and Brandy weren't home from work by the time we arrived in Maryland, so we went to Ikea for some food and a little shopping.

Vivi must have pushed this chair around Ikea for 20 minutes.

Then, we finally arrived at the Alhassani's house. Carter was a little unsure about Gavin and Vivian at first, but then they quickly all remembered each other and two days of constant hugging (and some kissing) ensued between the three.

After dinner on Friday night, it was bath time!

On Saturday morning, we all ate breakfast together.  Carter dipped his food in ketchup, Vivian ate what seemed like a hundred blueberries, and Gavin stuck around after everyone else was finished to get even more food.

Then, it was time to pet Iad and Brandy's cat. 
Vivian was IN LOVE.

Once everyone got dressed, it was time to go...

... to the Children's Museum! The kiddos played in a mock grocery store, touched several bunnies, moved magnets around, ran around like hooligans, painted "self-portraits" (after which Vivian had a huge tantrum), ate some P.F. Chang's, and climbed on everything that they could.

After an exhausting few hours (for both parents and children), we headed back to Brandy and Iad's house. The three kids played all afternoon, even though they each only got about 30-45 minutes of sleep during the entire day.

Highlights from this afternoon of fun included: multiple trips to time-out, Carter and Vivian kissing behind a curtain in the Alhassani's living room (when we called them out, they continued to kiss, on the lips, about 10 more times), catching children as they jumped (or tried to jump) from the couch to the ottoman, Gavin attacking Carter and Vivian with his infamous hugs, two toddlers trying to fit on the back of a dump truck that was not meant to be ridden in the first place, tantrums because we wouldn't let the twins touch the cat, and both dads passing out on the couch (one with a twin on his lap).

Of course, no trip would be complete without a group shot of everyone, which we forgot about until the last few minutes before we left (hence the coats).

1 comment:

Steph said...

1. I knew you would love those bath photos with you and Bran doing itsy bitsy spider.
2. Viv better not turn into a cat lady.
3. I love all three of those cuties.