Friday, January 21, 2011

He's a Demolition Man

Gavin is a Demolition Man. He wants to (and often does) destroy everything. Okay, maybe his intention isn't always to ruin, break, or mangle, but somehow that's what usually happens. Case in point: our dishwasher. Gavin has been picking at a strip at the bottom of our dishwasher for a few months now. Everytime we see him touch it (or get near it for that matter), we tell him to leave it alone. But, he just kept going back to it. Eventually, he pulled the entire plastic strip off. Then, he was bored. So he started picking at the plate that actually covers the front of the dishwasher. Again, we would ask him to leave it alone on a daily basis. Well, just take a look at it now...
Yep. That's what our dishwasher looks like. Gavin has subsequently been sequestered to the living and play rooms... for the rest of his life. Okay, at least until we get the dishwasher put back together.

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