Tuesday, November 1, 2011

We. Are. Lame.

We didn't do Halloween yesterday. We didn't do anything. We didn't carve pumpkins, we didn't dress up, we didn't go trick-or-treating, and we didn't give out candy.

But, I have a few excuses.

1. Vivian and I got croup at the end of last week. We were sick all weekend and didn't get around to going to the store to buy any of the necessary Halloween stuff. We also thought that she shouldn't go out Monday evening for trick-or-treating because it was too cold (it snowed here on Saturday).

2. We didn't get any pumpkins (even though we went to a pumpkin patch last weekend). The pumpkin patch had a ton of stuff to do and by the time we were done with all of it, we were exhausted and said that we would just get a pumpkin from Walmart or something later in the week. That never happened.

3. Since we never made it to the grocery store (because of our busy schedules and illnesses), we also never bought candy to give out last night.

4. We're lazy and procrastinated on getting the kiddos any costumes. Then, it was too late.

5. Gavin and Vivian had no idea it was Halloween.

So, we don't have any cute costume pics. Sorry. What can I say? We're lame.

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