Wednesday, June 5, 2013

The Whitehursts

If you follow us on Instagram, then you've probably seen that we've been spending a lot of time with a certain Harrisonburg family: the Whitehursts (Olivia's family). We went Easter egg hunting, over to their house for some bouncy house fun, strawberry picking, to their house for some water slide fun (the pics in this post), and to a local community picnic with them recently. We've known the Whitehursts since we moved here (Olivia has moved from daycare to daycare with our twins since they were all about 15 months old- all three of them) and they went to each other's birthday parties last year (see Olivia's party HERE and the twins' party HERE) and this year (we're going to Olivia's in a couple of weeks), but we've only recently started spending a lot of time together (1-2 times a week, in fact). It's been a lot of fun and we've really enjoyed getting to know them over the past few months. 

Here are some pics from one of our recent gatherings. The kids played on Olivia's waterslide and bounced in her bouncy house for a while before heading inside to Olivia's playroom. We enjoyed dinner and great conversation on their deck that evening. By the time we got home (we only live about 10 minutes from their house), all three kids almost fell asleep in the car (they were so tired!). Well, Pax did fall asleep and Gav and Viv were hanging on by a thread.
Vivi putting pretend makeup on Olivia.

We're looking forward to a summer full of these little get-togethers!

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