Saturday, August 17, 2013

He Wants to be Like Them

Pax wants to be like Gavin and Vivian so bad. He wants to go where they go, play what they play, and eat what they eat. He actually squeals in anger/sadness if he doesn't feel like he's one of them. 

For example, he wants me change his clothes while he stands up. He sees the twins get dressed standing up and so when I try to lay him down, he pitches a fit about it. It's not so bad as long as I don't have to also change his diaper. Changing the diaper of a standing toddler is no easy feat. 

He has this kind of reaction several times a day. 

1 comment:

ashley.and.graham said...

have you seen Huggies slip-on diapers? we're using them with Lydia since she's not ready for pull-ups (they almost gave her a rash) but she wants to put things on standing up. Still not easy to change a poop diaper but lots easier to get on a standing toddler