Sunday, August 4, 2013

Our Dresser

I bought a dresser from Goodwill back in March for 30 bucks. It was ugly. But, it was also plain with some clean lines (which is what I wanted for our bedroom). Anyways, here are the before shots:
I got a free quart of grey paint from Ace Hardware with a coupon I had and I spray painted the hardware the same color as my little purple desk and my dark teal buffet. And here's what it looks like now:

It's not the fanciest piece in our house, but for 30 buckeroos- I like it!

Oh yeah, get ready for more posts like this- Ace Hardware just had another FREE quart of paint special this past weekend. Wes, his mom, and I each got a can. All of which were for my furniture-painting adventures, of course ;-)

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