Saturday, May 30, 2015

Meeting Rex

On Wednesday, May 27th, the twins didn't go to school. Instead, they came up to the hospital with Paxton, Wes, and GG to meet their new little brother, Rex Wesley. Here's the full video of the Rosier Ruffians meeting their brother.

Everyone was super excited, asking to hold him again and again; especially big sister, Vivian. Vivian was so in love with him that we were worried her little heart would explode with happiness. She was precious.

Gavin was more excited than I expected. And gentle. Ridiculously gentle and protective of little Rex. It was heartwarming to see Gavin fall in love with him.

GG was in love, too!

The kids spent about two hours at the hospital, loving on Rex.
As you can see from the above pics, Paxton was very happy, too, but he wasn't as interested in actually holding him as the twins. It was a glorious first introduction!

Thursday, May 28, 2015

Rex's Birth Story

My mom left VA (of course) on Monday, May 25th. On Tuesday, May 26th, I woke up in disbelief that was still pregnant. I was 38 weeks and 1 day pregnant. For most people, this would be totally normal, but for me, this was a new experience. The twins were born at 34 weeks and 2 days and Paxton was born at 37 weeks and 1 day. Anyways, it was business as usual at the Rosier house: the twins got on the school bus around 7:55am and Pax and I ate breakfast on the picnic table on the back deck.

Around 11 or 12, I felt a small leak. Very small. So small that I didn't think much of it. When my water broke with the twins, it was a huge flood. So, I didn't think it was my water breaking. About thirty minutes later, another trickle. I mentioned it to Wes and he encouraged me to call the doctor. I did and the nurse explained to me that I could have a high leak and that my water could slowly break over several days. She encouraged me to go to the doctor and have the leaking liquid checked. If it was amniotic fluid, I would have a c-section. If it wasn't, I would be sent home.

Wes, Pax, and I went to the hospital (the twins were still in school) around 2:30pm. The fluid was checked and about 40 minutes later, the doctor came in and said, "It's amniotic fluid. I'm going to put you on the c-section schedule." Then everything moved very fast. Wes had to take Paxton back home, where Diane, her sister, and Olivia were waiting. Pax was really upset when Wes was leaving, which did not make things easier, but Wes had to go quickly because the doctor said that he was starting the c-section in 35 minutes! Wes left, Pax eventually calmed down (especially when the twins got off the bus at 4:20pm) and Wes ran upstairs just in time to talk with the anesthesiologist. I was really happy that Wes made it back when he did because when he was gone, I was being told, "We're going to have to do this whether your husband gets back in time or not." I know, what the hell? It was insane and as expected, it was making me quite emotional while I waited by myself. Wes walked me down to the OR, Wes came in with me about 15 minutes later, and Rex Wesley was born at 5:16pm. My mom (yep, my mom drove back to Harrisonburg from MD) made it to VA in time to have a movie night with the kiddos.

The next few days were spent snuggling this new little person as much as possible.

Wednesday, May 27, 2015

He is HERE!

On May 26, 2015, at 5:16pm, our fourth child, Rex Wesley Rosier, was born.

At birth, Rex weighed 7lbs 6oz (7oz more than Paxton at birth--who was albs 15oz--and 2lbs 12oz more than both Gavin and Viv at birth--who were 4lbs 9oz each) and was 19 1/4 inches in length. 

More posts to come about his birth story and Rex's first meeting with his siblings...

Tuesday, May 26, 2015

38 Weeks

I made it to 38 weeks! I've never been this pregnant before. The twins were born at 34 weeks and 2 days and Paxton was born at 37 weeks and 1 day. So, this is new to me.

The worst part is that I'm having a lot of false labor. Every night for the last week, I've had either strong contractions that are 9-10 minutes apart of weak contractions that are 3-5 minutes apart. It's so frustrating. I just wish the stars would align. It's a waiting game at this point...

Monday, May 25, 2015

Vivian Goes to the Police Department with Girl Scouts

Birthday Weekend with GG




Paxton's Third Birthday

Paxton turned three years old on Thursday, May 21st. We started the day with donuts and singing in the morning.

Paxton was a tad shy during all of the singing, but he finally came around to the idea and blew out his candles.

The twins went to school and we gave Paxton his construction truck present. He was in love. After some playtime, Wes and I took Pax to the Children's Museum and out to lunch for his birthday.

He was very excited all day; telling us several times that it was his birthday and that he was three. We sang Happy Birthday again that night at dinner. It was a great day.

Tuesday, May 19, 2015

Random Videos

I've finally gotten around to uploading some of my videos from my phone. Here are some random videos of the Rosier Ruffians from the last 6 months or so...


Monday, May 18, 2015

Sunday, May 17, 2015

The 2015 Diva Derby

On Saturday, May 16th, Vivian raced her first pinewood derby car in the 2015 Girl Scout Diva Derby! Wes and Vivi worked tirelessly on "Speedy Cheetah" over the last two weeks, shaving it down to size, shaping it, adding weights, painting it purple with black cheetah dots, adding a pink stripe down the side, adding graphite to the wheels, etc. I think it turned out great!

Vivian had a blast at the actual derby. Wes took her while I stayed home with the boys. Wes said that she was very excited and amped up the whole time; especially since her Girl Scout friend, Avery, was there.

Each girl had three races and the times for each race were averaged to figure out the top three fastest cars. Even though she won all three of her races, she didn't actually place overall (in her kindergarten and first grade division) because of her time. She loved every second. So did Wes. He was definitely a proud daddy on Saturday.




Saturday, May 16, 2015

Friday, May 15, 2015

The Back Deck

I loved our re-do of our back deck last year. Unfortunately, it hasn't looked so great during the winter; we put the rug inside, the flowers all died, the umbrella was inside, etc.

Well, I got around to fixing it up for this summer over the last two weeks. First, Pax and I bought new hanging flower pots, 2 large teal pots, and some plants for the rest of the pots we already had.

Then, Wes power washed the deck and brought the rug and umbrella back outside.

I only have a couple more things on my list for this summer, but it will probably have to wait til baby #4 makes his entrance into the world.

Thursday, May 14, 2015

Very Few Naps Left

Paxton doesn't really take mid-day naps anymore. It's hit or miss with him. He's in this weird phase where he still needs an hour nap, but doesn't want to take it and if he does take a nap, he doesn't want to go to bed that night. So, most of the time, we try to avoid nap so that our bedtime routine is more manageable. We still try to do some quiet time in the middle of the day, which as of late, has included a mid-day movie in Mommy and Daddy's big bed upstairs with the lights off. He seems to be refreshed afterwards. For the most part.

Tuesday, May 12, 2015

36 Weeks With #4

We made it! On Monday, I was officially 36 weeks pregnant with Rosier baby #4.

Interestingly, we still have not picked out a name for this tiny bundle. Our fourth child might be the only one who is unnamed until after we meet him. The middle name is picked, but the first name is not. I think we're pretty close to picking a name, but we both just can't commit. 

In other news, I stopped taking my cervix-shortening-prevention medicine a few days ago. And, I had a doctor's appointment on Monday. Everything looks good. Now it's just a waiting game. Stay tuned!

Monday, May 11, 2015

Pax and Mommy Time

I've been off work for a few weeks now, which has been great because I've gotten to spend a lot of time with our littlest, Paxton Marshall.

May 9th Birthday Celebration

May 9th is the twins' actual birthday. And since it was on a Saturday this year, we had a long day of planned birthday activities. And since we're a tad concerned that baby #4 will be arriving very close to Paxton's actual birthday on May 21st, we decided to give Pax his presents on Saturday, too.

After I took some six-year-old photos on the front porch, we got straight to opening presents! Each child got three gifts from us.

Gavin got a Star Wars shirt, a red and yellow dump truck, and a circuit board. He has been playing with his exact circuit board set at the children's museum for the last six months or so and was totally shocked when he opened the box.

Vivian got a letter stamp set with sketch pad, a pink and purple dump truck, and a bow and arrow. Vivi  has been asking us for her very own bow and arrow for the past two years. She was ecstatic when she opened her last gift!

Paxton got two talking trucks (Blaze and Zeg) from his ultimate favorite show, Blaze and the Monster Machines. He was totally shocked when he opened these gifts. Then, we also got Pax a scooter. He's been fighting with Gavin and Vivian just about everyday since Christmas over using their scooters. We're hoping that this ends that argument. 😜

After opening gifts, Gavin immediately ran to the dining room table to set up his circuit board and Vivian ran outside to try out her bow and arrow. We played outside and the twins opened their cards from Auntie Bird.

Then, we went to the Farmer's Market, as per the twins' requests. Vivi and Pax got cookies and Gav got a bag of kettle korn. 

Lunch was spent at Firehouse Subs, where G and V got their free birthday subs!

When we came home, I took all three upstairs to write the "20 Questions" post (see previous post) while Wes got our final gift set up outside.

After they jumped for a while, we took a strawberry shortcake and ice cream break. Then they quickly went back to jumping.

We ended the day ordering pizza for dinner. It was definitely a great day!