Sunday, May 17, 2015

The 2015 Diva Derby

On Saturday, May 16th, Vivian raced her first pinewood derby car in the 2015 Girl Scout Diva Derby! Wes and Vivi worked tirelessly on "Speedy Cheetah" over the last two weeks, shaving it down to size, shaping it, adding weights, painting it purple with black cheetah dots, adding a pink stripe down the side, adding graphite to the wheels, etc. I think it turned out great!

Vivian had a blast at the actual derby. Wes took her while I stayed home with the boys. Wes said that she was very excited and amped up the whole time; especially since her Girl Scout friend, Avery, was there.

Each girl had three races and the times for each race were averaged to figure out the top three fastest cars. Even though she won all three of her races, she didn't actually place overall (in her kindergarten and first grade division) because of her time. She loved every second. So did Wes. He was definitely a proud daddy on Saturday.




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