Thursday, May 28, 2015

Rex's Birth Story

My mom left VA (of course) on Monday, May 25th. On Tuesday, May 26th, I woke up in disbelief that was still pregnant. I was 38 weeks and 1 day pregnant. For most people, this would be totally normal, but for me, this was a new experience. The twins were born at 34 weeks and 2 days and Paxton was born at 37 weeks and 1 day. Anyways, it was business as usual at the Rosier house: the twins got on the school bus around 7:55am and Pax and I ate breakfast on the picnic table on the back deck.

Around 11 or 12, I felt a small leak. Very small. So small that I didn't think much of it. When my water broke with the twins, it was a huge flood. So, I didn't think it was my water breaking. About thirty minutes later, another trickle. I mentioned it to Wes and he encouraged me to call the doctor. I did and the nurse explained to me that I could have a high leak and that my water could slowly break over several days. She encouraged me to go to the doctor and have the leaking liquid checked. If it was amniotic fluid, I would have a c-section. If it wasn't, I would be sent home.

Wes, Pax, and I went to the hospital (the twins were still in school) around 2:30pm. The fluid was checked and about 40 minutes later, the doctor came in and said, "It's amniotic fluid. I'm going to put you on the c-section schedule." Then everything moved very fast. Wes had to take Paxton back home, where Diane, her sister, and Olivia were waiting. Pax was really upset when Wes was leaving, which did not make things easier, but Wes had to go quickly because the doctor said that he was starting the c-section in 35 minutes! Wes left, Pax eventually calmed down (especially when the twins got off the bus at 4:20pm) and Wes ran upstairs just in time to talk with the anesthesiologist. I was really happy that Wes made it back when he did because when he was gone, I was being told, "We're going to have to do this whether your husband gets back in time or not." I know, what the hell? It was insane and as expected, it was making me quite emotional while I waited by myself. Wes walked me down to the OR, Wes came in with me about 15 minutes later, and Rex Wesley was born at 5:16pm. My mom (yep, my mom drove back to Harrisonburg from MD) made it to VA in time to have a movie night with the kiddos.

The next few days were spent snuggling this new little person as much as possible.

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