Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Aunt Schweek!

The last weekend of July was spent with the twins' Aunt Schweek (I mean Aunt Erin :-). She came, she saw, she conquered. Erin was 32 weeks pregnant with her first child while she was here. And let me just say that after a weekend at our house, Erin is ready for anything. That particular weekend, we discovered Vivi's first tooth (OUCH!), Vivi had the beginning of a terrible case of diaper rash (OUCH!), and Gavin puked and puked and puked (YUCK!). Needless to say, it was a crazy, messy, crying-filled weekend. Erin was wonderful. She changed, fed, and soothed (like when she held Vivi next to a hair dryer while simultaneously rocking and bouncing her for 30 minutes) both babies all while looking absolutely fabulous and never loosing her cool. We know that Erin is going to be an amazing mama and we can't wait to meet her and Andy's little one.
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Thanks Erin for coming to visit!
We can't wait to see you again!


Pants said...

Yeah, like this doesn't make me jealous or anything! Can't wait to see both of you sometime in the near future!

Elizabeth and Mark said...

OMG! They are getting SOOO big! Precious--just precious!