Monday, August 31, 2009

Diapers Galore

In general, we go through about 6-10 diapers per baby each and every day. That's 12-20 diapers total, which is about 84-140 diapers a week (i.e. about 1,344-2,240 diapers since they were born, in case you were interested). It's a bit ridiculous. Actually, it's a lot ridiculous.
Thanks to our good friend Elizabeth Williams, however, we haven't had to buy diapers for over 3 weeks now! Elizabeth was so kind to give us a TON of diapers she had leftover from her daughter Grace (who is absolutely adorable, by the way). It's been awesome to not have to buy diapers for this long. Thanks Elizabeth! You have no idea how much we appreciate you!

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