Saturday, August 15, 2009

The First of Many

The night before last, Wes and I put the twins in their own nursery, in their own crib, by themselves for the night... well, for most of the night at least. At first, we thought this was a great idea. But then we started to miss them. Tear. Nevertheless, we kept our eyes on the prize and left them in their nursery. This adventure began at 8pm. Around 2am, Gavin started fussing a bit. I didn't want him to wake up Vivian, so I went in to get him. He wasn't hungry. Instead, he quit crying and fell right back asleep almost immediately after I picked him up. It was too cute. I had to bring him back in our bedroom, right? ;-) I thought that 6 hours was pretty good for his first night without us. A few hours later, Vivian began crying (she lasted until 5am), so Wes went in to get her. We spent the next couple of hours snuggling with our twins. It was a great night and a wonderful morning. The first of many I'm sure.

1 comment:

Rebecca D. said...

You two are awesome parents :) I am proud of you!!