Saturday, November 7, 2009

Lost in Translation

Since the twins were born, Wes and I have developed a new vocabulary with one another. Sometimes when we talk to other people, we forget that they don't speak our language and mild confusion and/or astonishment may ensue. Well, we thought we'd share some of our Rosier lingo.

What we say: "OMG, Vivi loves that toy!"
What we mean: She touches or looks at it more than once a day. (Except for with Patrick Peacock. She actually does love him. She talks to him, eats his wings, takes naps with him, cuddles him, and throws him. You know, all those fun things that lovers do.)
What we say: "Gavin was completely bamboozled by the hair dryer yesterday."
What we mean: Gavin was upset and when we turned the hair dryer on it calmed him down. (Unfortunately, this bamboozling instrument hasn't quite been working like a charm as of late. I hope we can find something else to replace it soon!)
What we say: "I wanted to give them shaken baby syndrome"*
What we mean: It was a difficult day.
(*Disclaimer: We don't mean to offend anyone by implying that we were ever going to shake our children to death. We also understand that many people would never find this statement to be acceptable or even slightly amusing, but unfortunately we think its hilarious and it gives us a good laugh at the end of a hard day. So there.)
What we say: "How's Chucky doing?"
What we mean: Gavin has been a serious crabby patty (like Chucky from Child's Play) and one of us is wondering if he's calmed down.
What we say: "I'm cookin' this chicken!"
What we mean: I've got it under control.

I'm sure there's more, but this is all we could remember right now. C'mon, we have two infants! We're lucky when we remember to eat!

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