Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Updated Nicknames

As you know, we're big fans of nicknames. In the past, I've blogged about nicknames for Gavin and Vivian. Well, since then, things have changed. For instance, we don't really call Gavin Wiggles anymore and we don't really call Vivian Snuggle Bunny very often. Instead, these are the most common nicknames heard in our house...

These days, Vivian is known as Littles (pronounced "wittles"), Cita (short for Mamacita), Lizard, and Cakes (or Vivi Cakes).

Also in recent weeks, Gavin has been known to be called Hippo, Jumps (because he's always jumping), Gavsies, Fats (Gav & Chubbs are going to be BFFs), and G-Man.

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