Wednesday, June 17, 2009


Anyone who knows me, knows that I'm all about nicknames. As a consequence, Wes has also become a fan of the nickname. 
Why do I like nicknames and other terms of endearment? First of all, my name, Jennie, is a nickname for Jennifer. And, Jennie is one of my favorite names of all time. I grew up loving my nickname. Also, I love calling my friends and family by names that I have created; names that no one else calls them. But most importantly, I just think they're really fun.
What kind of nicknames do I like? Although many of my favs make sense (for example- I call one of my best friends "Mitchem" because it's her last name and we call our dog Mr. Chubbs "Piggie," "Fats," and "Pork Chop" because he's a little on the hefty side), random ones (or ones that people can't quickly figure out the meaning to) are my favorite. For instance, one of my best friends' name is Brandy. But to me, her name is "Branda-Bologna." Does Brandy really like bologna? I have no idea. Is there a funny story involving me, Brandy, and some delicious bologna? Nope. I just like the way it sounds. I said it one day and it stuck. Or my sister Meghan. I call her "Bird." Does she look like a bird? No. Does she have any bird-like tendencies? No. It's just an affectionate name that a family friend, Renee, came up with when she was little and it stuck.
Needless to say, when we were choosing names for our twins, it was important that their names had cute nicknames. Initially, "G" and "Gav" were chosen as nicknames for Gavin. We also though that Vivian had some great nicknames like "V," "Viv," "Vi," and Vivi." What we didn't know were the nicknames that would emerge once we met them. We knew we would have some, we just didn't know what they would be. And, as usual, some make sense and others are completely random.
In addition to the more obvious nicknames that I mentioned earlier (e.g., G & Gav), in the last few weeks, we've been known to call Gavin the following group of names:
  • Frogman- because he usually keeps his legs scrunched up and he flattens his lips out
  • Pterodactyl- because he screams like one
  • Wiggles- because he can't sit still when he's awake
  • Hungry Hungry Hippo- because he eats all of the time

Vivian, on the other hand, has been called a different group of names (in addition to Vivi, Viv, & Vivs):
  • Squeaks- because she makes these little barking noises
  • Snuggle Bunny- because she snuggles like a bunny
  • Kitty- because her screams sometimes sound like loud meows
  • Poops McGee- I'm sure you can figure that one out
  • Sweets- because she's so damn sweet
  • Lizard- because she sticks her pointed tongue out a lot

Here's to nicknames! I just love 'em!

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