Friday, June 19, 2009

Weight Gain Update

Today we stopped by the doc to have Gav & Viv weighed (since they were so premature, they get to be weighed once a week until they're two months old). To our surprise, they each have gained a significant amount of weight in the past 9 days. If you recall, when we went to the doctor's office last week, they each had surpassed the .5 - 1 ounce a day rule with Vivian gaining 18 ounces and Gavin gaining 22 ounces in only 14 days. Well, our trip today revealed a bit of a growth spurt (even more than their recent weight gain). 

Today, Vivian weighed 7lbs 12oz (which is a 20 ounce weight gain in 9 days) and Gavin weighed 7lbs 15oz (which is a weight gain of 16 ounces in 9 days)!

They just keep on growing...

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