Thursday, July 22, 2010

About a week ago...

... Miss Vivian figured out how to take off her diaper. Great.

I talked to a few friends and Googled (I'm a bit obsessed with Googling things) in search of an answer. A lot of people said "duct tape works best." I thought to myself, "I'm not duct taping her diaper every time I change her!" Then, I heard a more reasonable suggestion, "Just put her in underwear or even better, in pants." It's too hot for pants, so I've been putting little panties on her every day. Today, I came into the playroom (aka, our living room). She had undone her diaper underneath her panties. WTF.

I guess I'm going to have to move her to always wearing shorts and see how that works out.


ashley.and.graham said...

yep, i had to make sure e always had bloomers or something that covered the full diaper on, but she certainly didn't learn as early as miss viv. good luck :)

The Bluvas Blog said...

that's hilarious. I'm glad for the warning b/c I guess I know any little ones who have done that before. is it too hot for some little leggings? They're fitted and don't seem too warm for Kate when we're indoors (which is most of the time b/c it's so hot down here!)

The Bluvas Blog said...

i'm back again. what about a good old-fashioned onesie?