Friday, December 17, 2010

Abnormal Affection

Vivian and Gavin have been hugging one another (upon request and randomly on their own) for a few months now. But today's hug was different from the rest and here's why. 

Gavin and Vivian were fighting over a toy about 10 seconds before this hug. I broke up the fight and told them to hug one another. Now usually if we ask them to hug, they *might* comply, if they feel in the mood. But, they have definitely never hugged after one of their sibling spats. So surprisingly, they hugged right away. Not surprisingly though, it started off as a nice hug between brother and sister and quickly turned into Gavin tackling Vivian to the floor (which is an extremely common occurrence in our house). Then very surprisingly, Vivian began laughing. And Gavin began tickling her. And Vivi laughed some more. It was a shockingly precious moment.

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