Monday, December 6, 2010

Christmas Tree

Wes and I have been debating about if and when we were going to put up our Christmas tree this year. You see, since Vivian and Gavin are in a "I-want-to-touch-everything-and-I-don't-give-a-damn-about-what-you-say-or-do-to-me" phase, we were a little reluctant to put up a tree. Well, after careful consideration and many discussions about the matter, we decided to do a table-top tree this year. This way, we would still get a tree and our two little hellions, I mean children, wouldn't destroy it.

First is the traditional photo of Wes and I putting on the first ornament.

And here's the finished product:

1 comment:

The Bluvas Blog said...

Great idea! I'm definitely going that route. My brother had just finished putting up the tree when he turned to see my nephew holding a glass ornament which subsequently shattered on the floor.