Friday, December 3, 2010

Yo Gabba Gabba

"Yo Gabba... what?!" This is usually what people (people who currently don't have little ones) say when I tell them about G & V's favorite show on television. They can't get enough of it. They love the singing and dancing and funny looking characters. Although they love the entire show, their favorite parts are the beginning (they giggle, squeal, and point during the show's intro), the songs (especially "There's a party in my tummy"), the "Cool Tricks" segment (where someone shows them their own special cool trick- like balancing a spoon on your nose), and the "Dancy-Dance" segment (where a celebrity teaches the kiddos a 3 or 4 step dance). I think they would watch it all day long if they could. Now, Yo Gabba Gabba is a little crazy at times (really, it's kinda weird), but overall, it teaches them some good lessons and it's interesting- mostly because you're shocked that someone actually thought about some of this stuff. Yoooooooooooooo Gabba Gabba!!!

1 comment:

gina said...

It's often on in our house too. Hate to admit that there are times when Camden's napping that I'm even tempted to turn it on....very addictive, kooky show. Tee Hee.