Monday, December 24, 2012

Ho, Ho, Ho! Merry Sickness!

I'm hoping the we all or at least most of us will be better by tomorrow, but you never know with this shit. Anyway, we are sick.

There have been two different illnesses traveling from person to person over the last few days. One is a coughing, sneezy, runny nose, feverish sickness and the other is a 12-hour stomach bug sickness. It's terrible. And this is how it started.

On Thursday morning, Gavin said he felt sick. He did. He puked all over the floor a few minutes later. Then he puked in a bucket about an hour later. He didn't go to school that day. He seemed to be better and few hours later and so we went to Walmart to pick up a few things before bringing him up to his school for their holiday party. He was fine. Then, he wasn't. He puked blue Gatorade all over me at the holiday party. Then he was done. For good. 

On Saturday morning, Paxton puked on me in our bed around 4am. Then he puked several more times through out the day (mostly on me and on the floor). He was done by dinner time.

On Sunday, Vivian woke up with a fever, coughing, and sneezing. Gavin did, too (poor kid got both bugs). Sunday night, I got the stomach bug shit.

Now it's Monday and Vivi and Gavin are both still sick with their coughing and sneezing and whatnot, I'm exhausted from not sleeping the night before, and Wes has begun the puking extravaganza.

A very Merry Christmas, indeed.

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