Friday, December 21, 2012

Paxton is 7 Months Old

Paxton is SEVEN months old! And, we think he's pretty f-ing super.

At seven months, he has surpassed both of his siblings (at their ages) in weight, height, sitting abilities, and crawling skills. He's also much more calm, cool, and collected than either of them were (or are).

At seven months, Paxton is eating solid foods 1-2 times a day. He enjoys oatmeal, carrots, apples, pears, bananas, raspberries, cantaloupe, and green beans. The only foods that doesn't really care for are peas, avocado, and sweet potatoes. He REALLY likes chewing on a piece of cantaloupe or a piece of banana or pear in his mesh feeder. Pax is really interested in what the rest of us are eating and consistently tries to snatch things out of our hands. We've also let him chew on a frozen waffle during dinner and slobber on a baby bitter biscuit, both of which he adored.

As I've written about before (see HERE and HERE), Paxton is crawling all over the place. He sees what he wants and he goes after it. In fact, G & V have been getting rather frustrated by Paxton because he is very fast and seems to grab their toys in the blink of an eye; they are just not quick enough for him at times. It has definitely been a challenge to try and keep everything out of his reach. He's also sitting up on his own, which the twins think is really fun.

He still loves his doorway and stationary jumpers, but is more in love these days with his car walker because it helps him get to things. This one is a very curious little man.

He babbles a lot and while he is capable of sounding out "mamamamama" and "dadadada," we don't believe that he is actually directing those sounds towards me or Wes as of yet. But, he does giggle when you ask him to say "dada" or "mama" like he kinda sorta understands.

Paxton is very attached to Mommy and Daddy these days. He is definitely experiencing some separation anxiety when one of us leaves the room or the house and he is weary of people who are not in our immediate family when they are around.

Paxton still co-sleeps with us. He goes down for the night around 7-7:30pm in his own crib. He wakes up as early as 10:30pm and as late as 2am (I'm not sure why the range of his first wake up is so terribly inconsistent, but it is). Then, I bring him to our bed and nurse him. He usually only wakes up one other time during the night, nurses, and goes back to sleep until 5:30-6:30am. Several times in the last 3 weeks or so, he's been waking up between 4:30 and 6:00 to poop (I know, you probably didn't need to know that), causing him to then be awake for the day. Even if he poops at 4:30am, he's awake and there's no getting him to go back to sleep. It sucks. The rest of his day is spent in the following pattern: awake for 2-3 hours, sleep for 1-2 hours, awake for 2-3 hours, asleep for 1-2 hours, awake til 7pm, asleep for the night. He tends to be awake longer in the afternoon. Sometimes, he'll be awake for 5 hours in the afternoon before going down for the night. It really all depends on how early he woke up that morning and the length of each nap during the day. All-in-all, he's a great sleeper.

He's still a very happy baby who is easily soothed and only really cries when it's important, which is what makes him Super Baby!
Love you, Pax!

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