Wednesday, February 6, 2013


Arguing, quarreling, bickering, disagreeing, and fighting just to fight. Yeah, there's a lot of that going on around here lately. And it's all between Gavin and Vivian. These siblings have been getting a kick out of arguing with one another about EV-ERY-THING. From who's turn it is to sit in the "foldy chair" at dinner to how to pronounce "tomato." One of them thinks it's "tomato" and the other thinks it's "potato." Yes, I recognize that those are two completely different words, but they don't and the argument about how to pronounce that round red vegetable is unbelievably insane. And that's not all. They fight about what Mommy said and about what Daddy said, about what the rules are, about who their best friend at school is, about who gets to play with Paxton, about the owners of each and every one of their toys, about who should get to do a job, about who got it first, about who's turn it is, about what they like, about what they don't like, about who broke the {insert anything}, about who's fault something is, about who spilled the drink, about who wants to go upstairs, about who wants to go downstairs, about who slept at nap time, about who didn't sleep, and the list goes on and on and on. It's exhausting trying to referee these spats. And most of the time, the argument is completely unnecessary to have in the first place. It's like they just want to hear themselves talk. 


While I'm totally aware that this is how a lot of children communicate with one another at this age and that it's probably not going to stop any time soon, I just hope that this constant bickering can calm down a bit before Mr. Paxton starts chiming in. I don't know what we're going to do when all three of them are in a perpetual state of conflict. Sigh.

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