Thursday, February 21, 2013

Paxton is 9 Months Old

Paxton is 9 months old today! Unfortunately, I didn't have time to get his 9 month photo shoot done yet (I plan to do it this weekend), so I'll just give the 9 month update.

He's still nursing. He nurses about 5 times every 24 hours and eats baby food once or twice. He really loves sitting in his high chair pulled up to the dining room table with the big kids. It's one of his favorite things to do. He eats dinner with us every night and might have a few snacks during the day whenever the kids are sitting at the table. He's a good eater, but still strongly favors apples and bananas.

Sleep is the same as it's been for a while. He goes down around 7:30pm, wakes up sometime between 11 and 2am, nurses, and then goes back to sleep til the morning. The co-sleeping situation is also the same as it was at his 8 month update.

He's good at yelling and squealing. He babbles a little bit, but I don't think he's actually said an intentional word.

He's a very fast crawler. In fact, I don't remember Gavin and Vivian being this fast. He can make it from the playroom to the living room in under a minute. He's quick. He pulls up on everything and easily cruises while holding onto furniture. He has also been known to push some object to help him "walk" across the room. He's also very good at climbing stairs. Too bad we don't really let him practice that skill very often.

None. He's showing signs of teething, but he doesn't actually have any yet.

Paxton is about 22.5 lbs still. He has officially moved out of his infant car seat and is now carried out to the car and put in his big kid car seat. He also got a new stroller (with owls on it, of course) and he absolutely loves being pushed around town in it. He comfortably wears some 12 month clothes (a lot of it is too small) and can easily fit into most 18 month clothes.

Happy 9 month, Pax!

And I promise, I'll post his 9-month photos soon!

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