Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Out of Whack

Poor Paxton has not been himself for the last... well, I guess we're going on 12 days now. It all started with a little sniffling and coughing on Feb 15th or so. That weekend, he got pretty congested, tired, and sneezy. I took him to the doctor and they said he just had a cold and we had to wait it out. That next week, he was still sick. He had his 9 month check up on the 22nd and the doc checked his ears and lungs. Nothing. No ear infections. No fluid or mucus in the lungs. His pediatrician said to bring him back if he didn't get better after several days or if he ran a high fever (he hadn't had a fever at all up until that point). Of course on Saturday (the day after his check up), he started running a mild fever. Sunday, Monday, and Tuesday, a mild fever again. Today (Wednesday), I decided to take him in to the doctor. What did he find? Severe ear infections in both ears and mild bronchiolitis. Now he's on an antibiotic for the ear infections and he has to do a breathing treatment 3 times a day for a week or two.

Anyways, this sickness has thrown him for a loop. He just hasn't been himself. He's been... well... a rather difficult baby to deal with. First of all, he hasn't been sleeping very well, which means that I'm not sleeping very well either. He's been up coughing, blowing snot, or just crying 3-6 times each night for the last 12 nights. It's terrible. And just about every one of those nights has included a 1-2 hour stretch of wide awakeness. Poor guy. During the day, he wants to be held at all times, to nurse whenever he so desires, and to be walked around the house for entertainment. Oh yeah, and for the most part, he wants me to be that person who is waiting on him hand and foot. It's sweet that he wants to be with me every second of the day, but it's also exhausting. I'm sleeping (correction: attempting to sleep) by his side every night and then carrying him around all day long when I'm home. He's been super whiny (which we are just not used to with him) and very needy (again, it's just out of character). 

I hope the meds he got today can kick in soon! I just hate it when one of our kids is out of whack.

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