Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Funny Things

Our house is filled with laughter. Well, it's also usually filled with screaming, crying, whining, and tantrums, too, but also a lot of laughter. Living with small people is hilarious. And the combination of these particular small people is incredible. Several times a day, Wes and I are secretly snickering, laughing out loud, or trying our hardest to hold the pee in from giggling so hard (Sorry, did I take that one too far?). Here are just a few things that we've been rolling on the floor over lately.

Paxton in the tub.
Paxton absolutely LOVES taking a bath with his siblings. He giggles and squeals the entire time, stands up and sits down repeatedly, and splashes uncontrollably. It's hilarious. In fact, if we ever put the twins in the tub without Paxton and he knows about it, he freaks out. He can't handle it. He'll crawl up to the bathroom door, bang on it and cry his little heart out.

The twins and their tricycles.
Gavin and Vivian got these tricycles for their first birthday from their Aunt Sarah. Up until a couple of weeks ago, they've mostly rode them when it's been warm outside. Well, they recently persuaded us to bring them inside and they've been riding them in the house ever since. It's very funny. They race through the living room, into the kitchen, through the dining room and then back into the living room, making a circle on our main floor (see video below). While the racing is quite funny, the funniest moment was when Gavin and Vivian decided to pull up to the living room coffee table and eat their cereal on their bikes before school. Crazy kids.

The twins' imaginations.
Vivi and Gavin's imaginations are amazing these days. They come up with the most insane scenarios, the most ridiculous jokes, and the most interesting ideas. Just the other day, Vivian was playing in the playroom with her My Little Ponies. I came in to see this (see photo above). When I asked her what was going on, she responded with, "The tow truck police came to get her in her home cause she's sick." I inquired, "Why would the police come get her if she was sick?" Vivian said, "Her legs got broke in a car accident so the cops came to help her and put her in jail for the accident. She also needs a wheelchair now cause her legs got broke. The cops will put her in jail and she will wait for the wheel chair." So elaborate.

Gavin's sleeping skills.
Ever since he was a little baby, Gavin has been able to sleep anywhere (see HERE, HERE, HERE, and HERE). Unlike our other two children, Gavin can fall asleep at the drop of a hat. One minute he's awake and the next minute, he's asleep in the middle of playing/his food/the floor. The twins didn't take a nap on Valentine's Day, what with all of the candy pumped through them and such. And they played hard all afternoon. Around 7pm, we got the twins in their PJs and put on Caillou. A couple of minutes later, I walked in front of Gavin to get a drink from the kitchen and he looked like this. Poor kid couldn't even make it to story time. When it comes to sleeping anywhere, he's still got it.

Their song-singing.
No explanation needed.

Paxton's giggling.

Again, no explanation needed. Too cute.

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