Thursday, March 21, 2013

Paxton is 10 Months Old

I know I've said this before, but that last month seriously flew by! 

It's hard to believe that Paxton is really TEN months old. For the most part, not much has changed since his nine month update. Still no teeth, still sleeping in our bed for most of the night, and still crawling all over the house and cruising while holding onto furniture. But, there have been a couple big(ish) changes.

First of all, Paxton is starting to lose his second nap of the day. I think he still needs it (at least for 30 minutes), but several days in the last month, he's skipped his second nap completely. He'll wake up early in the morning (anywhere from 5 to 7am), play for a few hours and start his first nap between 8:30am and 10 (this really depends on if it's a weekday or weekend- he's very distracted and entertained by the twins. When they leave for school on the weekdays, it's like he doesn't have anything else to do, so he gets tired very quickly). He sleeps for an hour and a half to two and a half hours. Then he'll either take a very short (20-45 minutes) nap in the afternoon, or he won't. He'll stay up until 7:30pm when it's time to go to bed. Some days, he's exhausted by the time 6:30 rolls around, but other days, he's perfectly fine. This is why I don't think his second nap is completely out of the picture. He's just moving in that direction.

Second, Paxton is nursing less. Paxton was exclusively breastfed til he was 6 months (only eating a couple servings of baby food at that point). He had his first bottle of formula around the 7 month mark, but it was kept to a minimum (probably about 1-2 bottles of formula a week). By 8 months, he was up to 2-3 bottles of formula a week. A bottle of formula each day became the norm by the time he reached 9 months. Now, at 10 months, he's really only a night-time nurser. For the last week or so, he's been having formula during the day and then he nurses at night. I'm guessing he'll be breast milk free by next month. We'll see...

In other news, he's still a super-cute, super-fun, super-easy-going baby. He's also mildly obsessed with Gavin and Vivian. He wants to do what they do and play the games that they play. He wants to eat, paint, play with Play Doh, run, jump, climb, and yell with them. And the even better part is that they're totally obsessed with him, too.

 Happy 10 Month Birthday, Pax!

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