Sunday, December 1, 2013

First Hair Cut

No, this is not about Paxton. It's about Vivian. And yes, this was really her first real hair cut. I trimmed her hair one time when she was around 2, but she has never gone to a salon to get it cut.

The day before we left for NCA, I went to get my hair cut. As usual, I brought Vivian with me. But this time was different from all of the times before (she usually just sits and watches me; refusing to get her own locks trimmed). This time, Vivian asked me if she could get her hair cut, too. She loved it.

And so there it is, Vivian's first real hair cut. At 4.5 years of age.

1 comment:

The Bluvas Blog said...

Katelynn has never had any sort of cut. She's afraid her curls won't come back. Did vivi's stick around?