Saturday, February 8, 2014

A Fun Saturday

Last Saturday started out like most Saturdays around here: early. All three kids were up by 5:30am. Each for a different reason. Pax was up because he went to bed too early the night before. Vivi was up because she heard Pax giggling downstairs and wanted to come play (her words). Lastly, Gavin was up because he knew that Saturday was his special day with Wes and he couldn't sleep any longer (again, his words). 
The twins were split up for the first part of the morning: G going with Wes and V staying home with me and Pax. Wes took Gavin to his very first (but definitely not last) Home Depot kids workshop. He was VERY excited about going to a workshop to build a toy racecar. 

And here he is with his accomplishment when he got back home. 

Meanwhile, Vivian's BFF, Olivia, and Olivia's mommy, Diane, came over for a play date. We painted finger and toenails, had a tea party, and colored. 

It was a great morning that lead to a lazy afternoon which also included an adorable little post-bath toddler. 

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