Friday, February 21, 2014

A Peaceful Town

The name "Paxton" means "a peaceful town" ("pax" means peace and "ton" means town or township). And based on our experience with our little Paxton, we couldn't agree more! At 21 months (today), Paxton is definitely the little peace maker in our family. For example, he's the first of our three to hug ANYONE who gets hurt or starts to cry for some other reason. Second, whenever one of the twins gets put in time out, he will go and sit next to him/her and attempt to comfort. Third, he's great comic relief.  He's really good at breaking the silence (with a fart noise or giggle or adorable squeal) when tensions are high. And it almost always works; making us all laugh and kinda forget what we were all upset about. Lastly, he's one of the calmest kids we know. He only gets upset when its called for and he can be comforted rather quickly. Don't get me wrong, his calm, cool, and collected demeanor is slowly disappearing with toddlerhood, but he's still way calmer than his siblings were at his age. Paxton Marshall; our peaceful town.

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