Sunday, May 10, 2009

Bored No More!

29 hours of labor, 3+ hours of pushing, and 1 fully sedated C-section later... our twins were born on May 9, 2009!

Gavin Charles Rosier 
Vivian Grace Rosier 
are here!

They each weighed in at 4lbs and 9oz. Gavin was born first at 1:52am and Vivian came in a close second at 1:53am. Since they were born so early, they both are currently in the NICU. But, they are doing well and will likely be released in as little as 1-2 weeks (we'll know a lot more about their release date in the next couple of days). Below are some photos from the last two days...

This is our little girl Vivian:
And, here's our little boy Gavin:
Here's Wes right after the birth with Gavin's footprints on his arm:
And here's Wes changing Gavin's diaper:
We both love them so much and cannot wait to see what's in store for us in the coming days, months, and years...


ashley.and.graham said...

oh my gosh, i'm crying. they are just beautiful. i think i've checked for photos every hour i was awake since you sent the text. my favorite photo is the close-up of vivian - she's beautiful! we can't wait to see you all and meet your beautiful babies!
Graham says, "See you soon. Congratulations!!!"

Elizabeth and Mark said...

I'm crying too! I love them! Can't way to see them! Hugs to all :)

Pamela M said...

Soooo excited! Way to go through a zillion hours of labor, J, Yeeeesh! I can't wait until they are able to be held. Babies are such a miracle. Thanks for sharing pics! Hi Vivian! Hi Gavin!

Maren said...

Congratulations, Jenny! The babies are so cute - and tiny. I can't get over how small and cute they are!

And welcome to the 'long labor ending in a c-section club'. It's not the most popular club, but very elite. :)