Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Rooming In

We have some GREAT news! Gav and Viv will both be coming home with us tomorrow (5/21)! In the mean time, the NICU is letting the babies "room in" with us tonight so that we can have a practice run before we take them home. I know, you're probably wondering what room we're staying in. Well, every night since I was discharged on May 13, Wes and I have been staying at the hospital, where there's a great program for NICU parents-- NICU parents get to sleep in patient rooms for free while their babies are int he NICU. So, the babies are rooming-in with us in the room that we've been sleeping in for the last week or so.

We heard about the "rooming-in" program early last week and have been anxiously awaiting the day when the doctor gave us the ok to take them. Well, it finally happened this morning! We packed up the babies and pushed their cribs to our room.
Once we got here, the twins cuddled
and just hung out together.
So far, we've had a lot of fun with them 
during our rooming-in extravaganza.
All we have to do now is bring them back to 
the NICU in the morning for a final check-up 
and then we'll get to bring them home!


ashley.and.graham said...

woo hoo!! Graham says, "Good news!" We're thrilled for y'all and know you must be over the moon right now. Thanks for posting all the cute photos!

Elizabeth and Mark said...
