Friday, May 15, 2009

Six Day Update

Over the past six days, Gavin and Vivian have come a long way. 
  • At birth, they both weighed 4lbs 9oz. Over the next six days, both went up and down in weight, but today, Gavin weighs 4lbs 12oz and Vivian weighs 4lbs 8oz. 
  • Initially, neither could coordinate sucking and swallowing (which is why they each had feeding tubes). They would both go back and forth between sucking and not swallowing, or swallowing without sucking very well. In addition, we were and still are constantly trying to get them to stay awake during each feeding. It has taken a lot of practice for them to get to where they are now and it will take a lot more practice to get them to where we want them to be. While Gavin has taken a few full bottles without needing the feeding tube, he hasn't been very consistent and often gives up half way through his bottle. At which point, the feeding tube must be put to use. Vivian, on the other hand, has taken 7 full bottles in the last 24 hours and doesn't show any signs of stopping (*keep your fingers crossed*). Vivian does not have a feeding tube in place anymore, but this is not because she had it removed by a doctor. Vivian actually pulled it out herself (which she has done 4-5 times over the last few days). This last time, she not only pulled the feeding tube all the way out, but she then proceeding to rip off the tape that held the tube to her face. Needless to say, she screamed uncontrollably for a few minutes after that brave undertaking. If she continues to drink full bottles at every feeding, she won't have to have the tube re-inserted, which would be great!
  • Lastly, in the beginning, they were not fully capable of keeping their body temperatures up without assistance. Each twin was in a closed crib that kept them warm. Now, each baby is in an open crib, keeping him or herself warm without the help of a warmer.
Over the last six days, our life as a new family has been filled with a ridiculous amount of joy and happiness. We are so thankful that our twins are healthy and happy. They are improving every hour and we can't wait for the day when they can come home with us (which we think will be in one week or less).


Anonymous said...

Yeah!! I'm so happy they are doing well. Thanks for keeping us updated! We love you all and are thinking about you A LOT!! Thanks for the awesome pics here and on FB.
Can't wait to meet them in person!

Elizabeth and Mark said...

This is fabulous news! Vivian sounds like she's totally your daughter--determined and beautiful! And way to go Gavin--gaining all that weight! I'm so happy for you all. I get a little teary every time I think of how wonderful those first few days are. I know you are enjoying them to the fullest! Can't wait to meet the little peanuts :)
