Wednesday, July 29, 2009

We Ain't Got Time For Nothin' Else

Wes and I have recently developed one-track minds...

(All video clips from June and July 2009)

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Monday, July 27, 2009

Saturday, July 25, 2009

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Growing Up Sucks

Our babes are growing so quickly!

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Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Our Little Sweet Peas

(All video clips from May, June, & July 2009)

Startin' 'Em Young

On Saturday, July 18th, we took the twins to their second car show. Every summer, Lafayette has a big festival called "Dancing in the Streets" where they have a classic car cruise, oldies-themed entertainment, and local food. As usual, the twins slept the whole time.

Monday, July 20, 2009

Sunday, July 19, 2009

All Smiles

In recent weeks, G & V have begun smiling in reaction to us, but its been sporadic. We would get a smile from Gavin one day and then a smile from Vivian on another day. This morning, however, I received huge smiles from both of them for about a ten minute period. Apparently, all you have to do is squeeze their cheeks. They loved it. This picture is the first time I was actually able to get one of them (this is Gavin) smiling on camera.

Thursday, July 16, 2009


There's nothing terribly exciting in these two videos. Just our precious baby Vivian, being Vivian.

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

I was right...

... my birthday was great!

And, I'm already thinking about next year...

9 Week Weigh-In

On Monday, July 13th, we took the twins to their two-month check up. They were nine weeks & two days old. Much to our surprise, both babies have more than doubled their birth weights! Vivian officially weighs 10lbs flat and Gavin is a whopping 10lbs 6 oz! That means that in 14 days, Vivian gained 24 ounces & Gavin gained 23 ounces. Woah.

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

My Favorite Day of the Year

No, it's not Christmas or Halloween or even the last day of classes (although I think that might be a close second).

It's today; July 14th. My birthday. Today is my absolute favorite day of the year. I've always looked forward to this day. In fact, I'll start thinking about the next July 14th tomorrow.

Some of my favorite memories are from one of my 27 birthdays. From my circus-themed birthday as a child to going to Indiana Beach with my girlfriends for my 26th to my three-day birthday extravaganza for my 21st, I've always had an amazing birthday experience.
(picture from my 26th birthday ~ 2008)

I'm sure that today will also go down as one of my favs. In fact, I've already gotten an adorably sweet card from Wes, Gavin, and Vivian. And even better, I received a real, genuine smile from Vivian early this morning. Today is going to be a good day.

Thinking About It

A lot of Gavin's awake time is spent being on the cusp of getting upset; letting us know that he's not completely content. Maybe he would like his leg moved for him or he may want to suck on his pacifier for a minute or two. Whatever it is, he's not angry as of yet, he's just thinking about it.

Monday, July 13, 2009

Cruel & Unusual Punishment

In the last post, I ended by saying that the twins had slept 6 hours straight on Saturday night. Well, that wasn't the whole story.

Let's go back a day. On Friday night, the twins slept for seven straight hours! Wes and I were so excited when we woke up and realized how long it had been. We fed the twins and went back to sleep for what we hoped would be at another 4-6 hours. You know, since they had just slept for seven! Nope. We were awoken just 2.5 hours later by both babes, who were acting as if they were starving to death (you know, cause we never feed them). During the day on Saturday, they were back to their usual routine- eating every 3-4 hours with 1 or 2 brief 2.5 hour stretches thrown in there at some point. On Saturday night, while we were putting them in their PJs, we joked about how funny it would be if they did it again. Excited with the thought, we changed, fed, and burped them. Then, we quickly put them to sleep.

Much to our surprise, they slept for six hours! We were elated. Unfortunately, that euphoria did not last for long. Actually, it only lasted three more hours. They were up again. Change, feed, burp, and back to sleep. The rest of the day, we were back to feeding them every three hours. On the dot.

Even though we didn't want to get our hopes up too soon, we thought that maybe, just maybe, this might be a taste of what was to come. We were right. It was a taste. But just a taste.

So maybe it's not actual punishment, but it's definitely cruel and unusual.

Mosey Down Main Street

After their first Car Show on Saturday night, we took the twins and Mr. Chubbs to their first Lafayette festival; the Mosey Down Main Street Festival.
Gavin continued to sleep the whole time. (Why is Gavin wearing a pink bib you may ask? Well, when you've been dubbed the messy one, and you live up to that title on a daily basis, you end up having to use your sister's things because all of your stuff is dirty.)
Vivian almost fell asleep...
... but then she decided to stay awake the entire time we were there.
That night, the twins slept for 6 hours straight! Both of them! I guess we need to take them out more often ;-)

Sunday, July 12, 2009

First Car Show

On Saturday, July 11, the twins went to their first car show. Of course, Wes and Gavin had to be dressed for the occasion. Gavin wore the onesie that we bought for him to wear home from the hospital. Little did we know how tiny our babes would be. Needless to say, it fits him now!
Vivian and I decided to wear dresses to the event.
We got to see a lot of beautiful and interesting cars. As usual, the twins slept the whole time.
There was even this 4-wheeler with ridiculously big wheels.
This was my fav at the show.
Even though they were asleep, we had a lot of fun at their first car show. Hopefully they'll be awake for their second car show, which happens to be next weekend!

Saturday, July 11, 2009

The Twins Are TWO Months Old!

On Thursday, July 9, the twins turned two months old. To celebrate, we put them in their adorable pink and blue matching "Ralph" onesies that were made by Renee (don't know the story of Ralph? Click here). Unfortunately, they were both a bit fussy that morning and we couldn't get a happy picture of them together in their prized onesies.
A little later in the morning, Gavin was up for a few photos,
but Viv just never came around to the idea.

That afternoon, we took them to the farmer's market on Purdue's campus. Vivian slept on the car ride there and Gavin was rather annoyed by the whole situation.
But once we got there, Gav was sound asleep and Viv was wide awake. I mean WIDE awake. She was taking everything in. The sounds, the sights, the smells; she loved being outside.
We got some blueberries and then went on a walk around campus.
Before we knew it, it was time to stop and eat. Both babies were fed and then we headed back to the car.The day ended with some family cuddle time.
Happy Two Month Birthday Vivian & Gavin!