Sunday, April 25, 2010

Bright Eyed and Bushy Tailed

When it comes to waking up, Gavin is the polar opposite of his sister. *In general*, he will wake up in the morning or from his nap in the middle of the day with a smile on his face and a sparkle in his eye. Okay, maybe it's not THAT magical, but he's definitely wide awake very soon after he opens his big blue eyes. And, he's ready to play, crawl, or climb ASAP.
Unlike Viv, Gavin definitely gets this trait from his Mama. Regardless of how much sleep I get, I am fully capable of completely waking up about a minute (or less!) after my alarm goes off. I've always been this way. When I get up, I'm awake. In fact, many mornings, Wes can be found saying one of the following things to me: "How can you have this much to say already?" or "No talking... shhh... no talking" or "Are you really singing this early in the morning?"

I don't know how long they'll keep these waking-up habits, but it's nice to know that (so far) they have a little bit of each of us in them.

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