Friday, April 16, 2010

Communication Update

Gavin and Vivian have yet to say their first word. Don't get me wrong, they say "Mama" and "Dada" all day long, sometimes in our direction and other times just for the hell of it. But other than that, they have yet to really say a real word.

What they have done is begun communicating with us nonverbally. No, not sign language; we don't have time for that shit (disclaimer: I don't want to diss people who use sign language- we actually planned to do it- but the whole "two babies at once" thing threw a wrench in our sign language plans). Anyways, I only really have two examples of their nonverbal communication- not because there are the only two, but because these are the two behaviors they do on a consistent, daily basis.
  1. In the past 2-3 weeks, Vivian has begun shaking her head side to side whenever we say the word "No." In the last few days, Vivian has shaken her head after we ask her a question. The first time this happened, I asked Viv, "Do you want to go night-night?" She immediately shook her head no. I was in shock, so I asked her again a few minutes later, "Do you want to go night-night Vivi?" She shook her head no. I know what you're thinking- it's just a coincidence. Believe me, Wes and I thought the same thing. But then she did it again later when I asked her if she wanted more food. And then the next day when I asked her if she wanted some avocado. She still shakes her head whenever we say no to anyone about anything, but she also shakes her head when we ask her questions- well, not every time we ask her something, but enough times that we're sure it's not a coincidence.
  2. Although not as exciting, over the last 2 months or so, Gavin and Vivian both will hold up their arms whenever they want to be picked up. We ask them, "do you want up?" and their arms go straight out and up. Or, if they are crying, we will ask them what they want and many times they will hold out their arms for us to scoop them up. It's adorable. This is definitely not a coincidence. They do this multiple times a day.
So, while they have yet to utter their first word, they have been communicating... a little.

This video is of Vivi after we gave her a little piece of tuna. (Note: I was not coaching her or shaking my own head.)

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