Thursday, November 4, 2010


Last Sunday, our friends Alison and Derrick came over to go trick-or-treating with us. Vivi and Gavin dressed up like a lady bug and bumble bee, respectively. G & V had a lot of fun going from house to house, knocking on each door, and getting their treats. 

Once our pre-trick-or-treating photo shoot was complete, it was time to get down to business. We went to about 5 houses in our neighborhood. And, after the second house, Viv seemed to understand exactly what we were doing. She proceeded to go to the remaining house unassisted and she knew exactly what to do.

Unfortunately for them, Viv and Gavin didn't get to eat any of their candy. But, they did get to play with all of the crinkly wrappers and they seemed to be okay with that.


Elizabeth and Mark said...

Too cute! I wish we could have got Viv and Grace together in their ladybug costumes!!!

Jennie said...

i was thinking the same thing e!

ali said...

I love the picture of them on the curb! Thanks for letting us tag along:)

The Bluvas Blog said...

Love it! Kate was a bumble bee also but had a different costume. Her bff (at school) was a ladybug and another kid had an awesome spider outfit. A great day for insects : )