Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Blue Sand & Popsicles

We knew it would happen. Vivian and Gavin's sand table was out of sand. So we bought more sand this past weekend. We decided to spice things up a bit this time around and we bought BLUE sand (it's made by Crayola). It was a little more expensive than the regular sand (okay, it was double the price for half the amount of sand), but we thought that it was going to be awesome. 

It wasn't.

Due to the bright blue color (I think), Gavin and Vivian were more interested in taking it out of the sand table and (1) pouring it on the deck, (2) throwing it over board and watching the grass turn blue, or (3) chucking it at each other and watching each other turn blue. 

Not only did we over pay for this sand, but after about 45 minutes of pouring, throwing, and chucking, there was hardly any actually left in the table. 

I think we'll stick to regular-colored sand for the time being. Well, after we finish the second bag of colored sand we bought (damn!), we'll stick to regular-colored sand.

Then, we headed in for popsicles- YUM!

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