Thursday, April 14, 2011

A Day in the Sun

On Monday, it was 85 degrees outside. So we decided to stay outside as much as possible. We started the day off playing in the back yard, watching Vivi pick weeds flowers, watching Gavin pull a hose around, and running.

Then, it was time for a nap. Two hours later, we ate lunch and headed to the library.

Luckily, our library is directly next to a big playground. So, we walked over there after reading a few books.

On our way back to the car, we stopped at an old water pump. I thought that Gavin would like to watch the water fall and maybe touch it a little. What happened was hilarious.

They stripped down to their diapers for the car ride home. We spent about an hour watching tv, relaxing, and eaing popsicles. Then, it was time to go back outside before dinner. This time, we played in the sand table and swept up the sand on the deck.

It was an awesome day outside!


Jenn said...
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Jenn said...

Love Gavin in the water. Porter goes crazy for stuff like that too!! Very cute!