Sunday, July 24, 2011

She Gets Him

Over the last week, Mr. Gavin has been rather cranky, whiney, and demanding. A couple of days ago, Gavin was carrying on for what seemed like forever about a "chew bar" (granola bar). He had already had one and I didn't want him to have another. But he kept wailing and crying and stomping about it. Meanwhile, Vivi was playing by herself in the other room. About 30 minutes into this tantrum, I called out to Viv, "Vivi, what is wrong with your brother?"

And then in a completely ridiculous tone that implied my infinite stupidity, Vivi said, "Uh... BAR!"

She was right.


A few days after that, Gavin was carrying on again. But this time, I really had no idea why. He was even rolling around on the floor. So again, I asked Viv, "Vivi, what is wrong with your brother?"

She replied rather seriously, "Cry baby boy sad."

She was right, again. He is a cry baby boy. And, he was sad.

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