Thursday, October 13, 2011

"Bad boi! Time out, Budder!"

Little Miss Vivi has become rather bossy as of late. It seems like she's telling Gavin what to do several dozen times a day. And it's usually about something he's doing wrong. You see, Vivian knows the rules. And she usually abides by them. Gavin, on the other hand, knows the rules, but doesn't like to follow them. 

Vivian loves this about Gavin. Because this means that she gets to boss him around. And her favorite thing to say to him is, "Bad boi! Time out, Budder!" Then she proceeds to point to a corner and tell him to "Go sit! Two minutes!" It's hilarious. 

Viv also likes to copy what we say when we are reprimanding Gavin. For instance, if I tell Gavin to stay in his seat, Vivi will repeat, "Stay seat, Gamin!" She's nutzo.

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