Monday, October 10, 2011

"Dis a mine"

Gavin is rather obsessed with telling us that things belong to him, even if they don't. For instance, every single time he sees our car (in our driveway or in a store parking lot), he will tell you, "dis a my car." Or, when V & G are playing, he will tell Vivi that everything they're playing with is his. 

"Dis a my ball."
"Dis a my hat."
"Dis a my monkey."
"Dis a my bunny."
"Dis a my blocks."

But everything isn't always his. And if that's the case, he also likes to tell us who the item in question belongs to. 

"Dis a Daddy's sammich." (sandwich)
"Dis a Mommy's puter." (computer)
"Dis a Vivi's shoes."

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