Wednesday, February 29, 2012

February 2012 Facebook Posts

While most of our friends and family have Facebook accounts, there are a few of you who have held out for one reason or another. So, I thought I'd start a new end-of-the-month post where I copy and paste all of my Facebook statuses about the kiddos. And since I tend to write Facebook status updates more than I blog, it will be nice to have those short stories on here, too.

Here are my Facebook status updates about G & V (that I didn't already write about on here) from February.

February 2nd
Last night, Vivian kept asking for more food at dinner. She was hungry. As I filled her plate for what seemed like the 3rd or 4th time, I said, "You're such a cute little piggie." She responded with, "I not wittle piggie! I Vivian!"

February 16th
Me: "Who wants Lunchables for school today?"
Vivi: "YAY! I do!"
Gavin: "I don't want Lunchables. I want my Daddy."
Me: "Sorry, Budby. Daddy is gone for the day. He'll be back tonight."
Gavin: "I don't want any lunch. I want my Daddy. I need a hug from him."

Poor kid.

February 17th
Gavin: "You are Gavin Charlie Rosier."
Vivian: "Dat you! Not me!"
Gavin: "I be teacher! You be Gavin Charlie Rosier!"
Vivian: "I not Gavin! I teacher! You Gavin!"

Then they both started crying in frustration.

February 25th
Viv: "Is Carter here?"
Wes: "Carter will be here when you wake up from your nap this afternoon."
Gav: "We take nap right now?"
Wes: "You want to go to sleep right now?"
Gav: "Yes! Let's go nap now!"
Viv: "Yeah! No lunch, just nap now!"

These kiddos can't wait for their BFF Carter to come over!

February 25th
Fav quote of the morning:

Wes is trying to blow dry Vivian's hair upstairs and she is not having it. Gavin tries to calm Vivian down while Wes is brushing and drying her hair by saying: "It not be so bad, Viv. It be so nice. You can do it."

February 26th
So we've known for a while now that Gavin is capable of singing his ABCs from start to finish, but whenever we ask him to do it, he refuses or says he doesn't know how.

Well tonight as he was trying to get wes to come back in the bedroom after wes left, he crawled up to the door, put his little face down on the floor, and loudly sang his ABCs (from beginning to end without ANY mistakes) underneath it. Then he said, "See? I did it. will you come back now?"

This kid.

February 27th
After Wes said he would take G & V outside to play (where we have our riding lawn mower parked, among other things), Gavin said:

"I love my mower. He my best friend. I gonna hug him."

What can I say? The kid loves his mower.

February 28th
Gavin: "I want a cookie!"
Wes: "No cookies befor enap."
Vivi: "But it's cookie time! It's cookie time! It's cookie time!"
Wes: "No, it's not."
Gavin: "Yes it is!"

And now they are chanting together, "It's cookie time!"

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

This shit sucks because...

... I have to remain horizontal for at least 95% of my day. Enough said.

But, there are so many other things that suck because of this requirement.

Specifically, this shit ridiculously sucks because...
  • I can't go get my haircut before Chocolate Marker arrives.
  • I can't paint any of the furniture that was on my "paint this furniture when it gets warm outside" list.
  • I can't go visit my BFF, Brandy, when she has her baby girl in a few weeks as I had originally planned.
  • The twins can't have their third birthday party when planned. They're just going to have to wait until a month or so after Chocolate Marker arrives.
  • We can't go to the mall to take more family photo booth pictures.
  • I can't go shopping... for anything.
  • I can't teach.
  • I can't take the kiddos to the park or watch them play outside in our backyard. Actually, I can't take the kiddos anywhere.
  • I can't go out to eat.
  • I only get to leave the house to go to the doctor... joy!

But what sucks the most is that Wes woke up with a stomach virus this morning. Great.

Monday, February 27, 2012

Sunday, February 26, 2012

They're Silly

Especially when they get to play outside.

Saturday, February 25, 2012

Are you f-ing kidding me?

This is what I said to my doctor yesterday after she gave me some not-so-great news.

Let me start by saying that Chocolate Marker (baby Rosier #3) is only at 25 weeks right now.

I went to the doctor yesterday afternoon to have my cervix measured (I've been doing this every 2 weeks for 4 weeks now) and my cervix has continued to shorten in length (which is bad). It started off 4 weeks ago measuring at 51-53, then it measured at 31-34 two weeks ago, and today it was 14-16 (which apparently is very dangerous). After my appointment, I was sent directly to the hospital for monitoring (to see if I was contracting), a shot of steroids (to try to develop the baby's lungs in case of preterm delivery), and a urine analysis (to see if I had an infection). The good news was that one of my co-workers (Thanks, Alison!) was available to come over and watch the kiddos so that Wes could come with me.

The results? I am not contracting at all, I got the shot (and I have to get another shot today), and I do not have an infection. I was sent home last night, but this means that they are not sure why my cervix is shortening. 

I have been put on strict bedrest (I have to remain horizontal), I have to do hormone therapy (which I will start today at home), and I have to go back to the hospital this afternoon to get another steroid shot. The hope is that the hormones will stop the shortening of the cervix (although lengthening it is unlikely at this point) and the steroids will develop the baby's lungs 1-2 weeks ahead of it's actual age (so, for example, if I deliver at 28 weeks, the baby's lungs will be around 30 weeks).

The weird part is that I feel fine. Like totally fine. Much better this time around than when I was pregnant with the twins. Fingers crossed that I can make it to at least 34 weeks... we'll have to just wait and see.

Here's a pic of Vivi and I on Day One of strict bed rest.

Monday, February 20, 2012

We still do it

I'm just too lazy to scan them into my computer anymore. Here are our photo strips from the last three times we made it to the mall.

These are my favs from this trio.

Sunday, February 19, 2012

An Afternoon Walk to JMU

Yesterday's weather was nicer than usual. So, after the kiddos' nap, we took a walk to JMU. We started off with the kiddos in their stroller so they could eat their afternoon snack on the way. But once we got there (JMU is only about 3 blocks from our house), it was time to run and play.

We played on JMU's campus mall and we walked all over the place. We even snapped a few pictures with the statue of James Madison!

On the walk back home, we encountered two puppies! G & V were in love!
We had originally brought the stroller because we thought that the twins would be too tired to walk back, but to our surprise, they happily walked back to the house... very slowly... but happily.

Saturday, February 18, 2012


Poor girl always forgets about that damn Q.

Friday, February 17, 2012

Valentine's Day 2012

When the kiddos woke up on Tuesday morning, we told them that it was Valentine's Day (we hadn't talked about it at all prior to Tuesday). We got dressed upstairs in our red and pink and told them to wait at the top of the stairs until it was time to come downstairs.

Last year, I decided to copy one of my friends, Maren, in her tradition of giving her kids books for little holidays. We've been doing it for the last few holidays and we (and the kiddos) love it! They each got a pack of flash cards, two Sesame Street books, an empty candy container (we called it a "magic wand") with a necklace in it, and two pieces of chocolate. I also covered the table with purple, blue, red, and pink necklaces from the dollar store.

We ate pancakes and strawberry yogurt for breakfast. The twins spent the ENTIRE day playing with their goodies, especially the monkey balloons. 

JMU was closed on Tuesday, so I organized a free "Love Seminar" for students. It was really fun and I had a pretty nice turn-out.

We had a great Valentine's Day!

Thursday, February 16, 2012

Wes' Bday

Wes' birthday was on Monday. We started the day off with cupcakes. Wes was still sleeping when I was making cupcakes int he kitchen. G & V knew it was Daddy's birthday and were very excited for him to come down. They also knew that I was making cupcakes. When Wes came downstairs, I told him to watch TV with the kiddos in the living room.

This is one of the conversations he had with Gavin:

Gavin: "Daddy, Mommy made cupcake for yo birfday!"
Wes: "Gavin, I don't think you're supposed to tell me that."
Gavin: (while covering his mouth) "Oh no!"

Gavin then proceeded to cry about spoiling the surprise. It was pitiful. Until the cupcakes came out. Then he was fine. We all sang happy birthday and let Wes blow out his candle before eating several lemon cupcakes with apples for breakfast.

We lounged around for most of the morning before taking G & V to the pet store for the hell of it. They love going to the pet store. They love to look at and talk about all of the animals in cages and they get super-pumped when they see someone with their dog or cat. Both kids are not shy at all, walking up to strangers asking them if they can pet their kitty/puppy. This time, the grooming center had a few dogs getting haircuts, which was "totally awesome" to Gavin.

We had lunch, ate some more cupcakes while watching their fav show (Dora the Explorer), and then put the kiddos down for their nap.

After nap, we played around the house for a little while before heading out to eat at CiCi's Pizza and then to Chick Fil-A for dessert and some play place fun.

Funny story about CiCi's:

  • We put the kidos in booster seats for the very first time (we usually either let them sit in a booth without anything or make them sit in high chairs so that they stay put). They were IN LOVE with their new seats. They kept telling us how "cool" and "awesome" it was.

Funny story about Chick-Fil-A:

  • There were a lot of older kids playing rather rough in the indoor play area. Wes and I were a bit on edge watching our little twins try to navigate around them. Then, we saw our sweet little Vivian interacting with three of the most rambunctious boys (who were probably around 9 or 10 years old). As each one passed her, she loudly hissed at them like a cat with her hands up and "claws" out. then, she yelled, "slow down!" As we watched her in amazement, Wes said to me, "Oh, we don't need to worry. She's fine."

It was an amazing day for an amazing daddy. Happy Birthday, Wes!

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Monday, February 13, 2012

Rosier Visit

Linda (Wes' mom) and Philip (Wes' brother) came down for a visit this past weekend. We went out to dinner, did a little shopping, and played lots of games at the house. But the highlight of the weekend was Sunday when we went out to breakfast for Wes' birthday (which was actually today). The kiddos ate pancakes and scrambled eggs and loved every bit of it.

The best part was when they brought out an ice cream sundae for Wes' birthday and sang a loud birthday song with lots of clapping. We thought the twins would LOVE it, but they were really in shock the whole time.

They weren't shy about eating the ice cream and feeding it to other people.

Come back again soon!