Wednesday, February 29, 2012

February 2012 Facebook Posts

While most of our friends and family have Facebook accounts, there are a few of you who have held out for one reason or another. So, I thought I'd start a new end-of-the-month post where I copy and paste all of my Facebook statuses about the kiddos. And since I tend to write Facebook status updates more than I blog, it will be nice to have those short stories on here, too.

Here are my Facebook status updates about G & V (that I didn't already write about on here) from February.

February 2nd
Last night, Vivian kept asking for more food at dinner. She was hungry. As I filled her plate for what seemed like the 3rd or 4th time, I said, "You're such a cute little piggie." She responded with, "I not wittle piggie! I Vivian!"

February 16th
Me: "Who wants Lunchables for school today?"
Vivi: "YAY! I do!"
Gavin: "I don't want Lunchables. I want my Daddy."
Me: "Sorry, Budby. Daddy is gone for the day. He'll be back tonight."
Gavin: "I don't want any lunch. I want my Daddy. I need a hug from him."

Poor kid.

February 17th
Gavin: "You are Gavin Charlie Rosier."
Vivian: "Dat you! Not me!"
Gavin: "I be teacher! You be Gavin Charlie Rosier!"
Vivian: "I not Gavin! I teacher! You Gavin!"

Then they both started crying in frustration.

February 25th
Viv: "Is Carter here?"
Wes: "Carter will be here when you wake up from your nap this afternoon."
Gav: "We take nap right now?"
Wes: "You want to go to sleep right now?"
Gav: "Yes! Let's go nap now!"
Viv: "Yeah! No lunch, just nap now!"

These kiddos can't wait for their BFF Carter to come over!

February 25th
Fav quote of the morning:

Wes is trying to blow dry Vivian's hair upstairs and she is not having it. Gavin tries to calm Vivian down while Wes is brushing and drying her hair by saying: "It not be so bad, Viv. It be so nice. You can do it."

February 26th
So we've known for a while now that Gavin is capable of singing his ABCs from start to finish, but whenever we ask him to do it, he refuses or says he doesn't know how.

Well tonight as he was trying to get wes to come back in the bedroom after wes left, he crawled up to the door, put his little face down on the floor, and loudly sang his ABCs (from beginning to end without ANY mistakes) underneath it. Then he said, "See? I did it. will you come back now?"

This kid.

February 27th
After Wes said he would take G & V outside to play (where we have our riding lawn mower parked, among other things), Gavin said:

"I love my mower. He my best friend. I gonna hug him."

What can I say? The kid loves his mower.

February 28th
Gavin: "I want a cookie!"
Wes: "No cookies befor enap."
Vivi: "But it's cookie time! It's cookie time! It's cookie time!"
Wes: "No, it's not."
Gavin: "Yes it is!"

And now they are chanting together, "It's cookie time!"

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