Saturday, February 25, 2012

Are you f-ing kidding me?

This is what I said to my doctor yesterday after she gave me some not-so-great news.

Let me start by saying that Chocolate Marker (baby Rosier #3) is only at 25 weeks right now.

I went to the doctor yesterday afternoon to have my cervix measured (I've been doing this every 2 weeks for 4 weeks now) and my cervix has continued to shorten in length (which is bad). It started off 4 weeks ago measuring at 51-53, then it measured at 31-34 two weeks ago, and today it was 14-16 (which apparently is very dangerous). After my appointment, I was sent directly to the hospital for monitoring (to see if I was contracting), a shot of steroids (to try to develop the baby's lungs in case of preterm delivery), and a urine analysis (to see if I had an infection). The good news was that one of my co-workers (Thanks, Alison!) was available to come over and watch the kiddos so that Wes could come with me.

The results? I am not contracting at all, I got the shot (and I have to get another shot today), and I do not have an infection. I was sent home last night, but this means that they are not sure why my cervix is shortening. 

I have been put on strict bedrest (I have to remain horizontal), I have to do hormone therapy (which I will start today at home), and I have to go back to the hospital this afternoon to get another steroid shot. The hope is that the hormones will stop the shortening of the cervix (although lengthening it is unlikely at this point) and the steroids will develop the baby's lungs 1-2 weeks ahead of it's actual age (so, for example, if I deliver at 28 weeks, the baby's lungs will be around 30 weeks).

The weird part is that I feel fine. Like totally fine. Much better this time around than when I was pregnant with the twins. Fingers crossed that I can make it to at least 34 weeks... we'll have to just wait and see.

Here's a pic of Vivi and I on Day One of strict bed rest.

1 comment:

Maren said...

Scary! But you seem so calm about it, which is probably a good thing. I really hope baby chocolate marker decides to hang out for as long as needed. Hang in there and keep horizontal! :)