Friday, February 17, 2012

Valentine's Day 2012

When the kiddos woke up on Tuesday morning, we told them that it was Valentine's Day (we hadn't talked about it at all prior to Tuesday). We got dressed upstairs in our red and pink and told them to wait at the top of the stairs until it was time to come downstairs.

Last year, I decided to copy one of my friends, Maren, in her tradition of giving her kids books for little holidays. We've been doing it for the last few holidays and we (and the kiddos) love it! They each got a pack of flash cards, two Sesame Street books, an empty candy container (we called it a "magic wand") with a necklace in it, and two pieces of chocolate. I also covered the table with purple, blue, red, and pink necklaces from the dollar store.

We ate pancakes and strawberry yogurt for breakfast. The twins spent the ENTIRE day playing with their goodies, especially the monkey balloons. 

JMU was closed on Tuesday, so I organized a free "Love Seminar" for students. It was really fun and I had a pretty nice turn-out.

We had a great Valentine's Day!

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